and again 16-18/08/16] TC:
write a lot and throw out the significant majority of the stuff I
write. I used to think that code is a good way of giving me a chance
to rethink how language works outside Greek, English, French or any
other language I have some knowledge of. I still think
but I also think that code language allows for something else: it
allows me to rethink how language can often function (perhaps more
often that we’d like to admit) as a strategy of acknowledgment,
negotiation and reconciliation. Yes, the question of
defamiliarisation and alienation of self and subjectivity has been a
long running theme in a lot of the stuff I have been doing but there
is also an implied negotiation folded in there [note: I wrote
“neogotiation” instead of “negotiation”, which I love:
negotiating with what is new? negotiating everything from the top?].
I think this is also why I am endlessly fascinated by musical remixes
or variations on a musical theme: sometimes, the intent is to
playfully appropriate while other times, the intent is to
intentionally subvert the original track/theme. I was gobsmacked with
DJ Shadow’s Endtroducing
when I discovered it in the summer of 1998 (perhaps it was late
summer?) and the idea of a flowing subjectivity working across
different rhythms, times, series, strata and discourses. It helped
that I spent most of 1997 reading Douglas Rushkoff’s books (Cyberia
in particular) and discovering in the summer of 1998 Kodwo Eshun’s
mind boggling More
Brilliant Than The Sun
which exposed me to so many novel concepts and theories. More than
anything, all this stuff showed me that one must in some way
acknowledge their own, personal responsibility within the culture one
finds oneself. And while all of this began from my being intrigued by
people creating works of art borrowing, appropriating and modulating
on existing artworks, this also eventually also dovetailed back to a
discussion I had with a childhood friend who was moved back to Greece
in the mid-1980s from Italy and brought along with him a huge PC and
this book that taught you the BASIC programming language. That was
quite the future shock. More defamiliarisation emanating from late
tends to equally frustrate and surprise me still: my fantasy of code
- before I really got into it - used to involve the lightcycles from
(geek!) but I was rather disappointed when I realised that code
turned out to be less exciting than motorbikes appearing out of thin
air. The disappointment gave way to excitement when I realised code
was a language which meant another
and another
syntax one uses to make new
(geek!). So, even when defamiliarisation and alienation are present
in these code poems, I view code also as an alleviation, or rather a
rebuttal to nostalgia. To extend your line of thinking further, MIS
needs to be dismantled every day bit by bit: as Deleuze and Guattari
say, there is no such thing as a clean break but I think we need to
conceive of strategies and mechanisms towards an investigation of
aesthetically arid and socially irresponsible uses of language. So,
to reiterate: your point about Making It New is very astute and the
distinction you are making between MIS and MIN is necessary to
acknowledge and express. But in using I think there is more to this:
the ubiquitousness of code needs to addressed. My response to your
message is made possible through the mediation of computers, and by
extension code. As N. Katherine Hayles notes in, what I think will
become a key text, ‘Traumas of Code’, “Derrida’s famous
aphorism, ‘Il n’y a pas de hors-texte’ [there is nothing
outside the text] has been replaced by its computational equivalent
n’y a pas de hors-code
[there is no outside to the code]”.[1]
This inability to exist outside code in the supermediated world we
live is bound to have some repercussions. We need to have some
understanding how this supermediated world is constructed and how we
live in it. One needs to acknowledge the existence of the code
running in the background and what it does to us and our
understanding of ourselves and the world. The internet of things and
all that. I was discussing something along these lines with Sophie
Mayer over coffee at some point and Sophie pointed out that the
Singularity has already happened and we need to realise that the
machines are actually training us in how they work rather than the
other way round (hope I am not paraphrasing too much! Sophie can
correct me if I am misquoting her).
as mentioned before, it is this ubiquitousness of code that I am
trying to negotiate with in these poems. Expertise follows after
acknowledgment turns into familiarity: a feedback loop. I am also
attaching a poem in Greek written &
published in 2010 [2]
which attempts to consider what inspiration is all about/where it
stems from and how code might figure in the creative process. The
poem is an attempt to talk about many things: the actual language is
inspired by the work of Mez Breeze, an Australian-based internet
artist who has invented her own hybrid language mezangelle but it
also attempts to ask many questions about machine language and its
effect on inspiration using various oulipian techniques. The
background of the poem itself is a graphic representation of the
moves made by my hands while using the keyboard. So, the poem in
itself is both a manifesto which playfully explains as much as it
how do you communicate in this language that is human in origin but
also machinic in a very real way? What is the impact of this machine
language on human language? How can register and tone be documented
in code? Writing across and between languages makes one reconsider
how one thinks in whichever language one is writing. I know I have
written poems that have begun in one language that were finished in
another (English to Greek and vice-versa); but I have also written
poems in, say, python which have given me answers about impasses
reached in half-finished or abandoned poems written in English or
Greek. It is a rather peculiar process: sometimes, it feels like
solving a puzzle but mostly it feels like negotiating with some sort
of unresolved issue between languages and between different modes of
perception, action and reaction. Hayles puts it succinctly,
“Experienced consciously, but remembered nonlinguistically, trauma
has structural affinities with code” (ibid). And while one can
certainly disagree with Hayles’ point re. affinities of code with
trauma, somewhat unconsciously I think that poetic languages, itself
an excess/surplus of language, as a unique means of navigating trauma
and its specific linguistic/semantic codes, code and its attendant
traumas. I am too weary to begin such a discussion here because I am
still thinking through these issues myself; I fear I will end up
sounding callous or insensitive or insulting (probably all three
simultaneously) so I will try and tread carefully. Surplus of meaning
(or the exhaustion thereof as a result of the trauma of meaning
surplus) can alienate: an excess of production often implies an
inability to effectively process said surplus. But
surplus/rarefaction of meaning might also require new reading
capacities and code can be a way to think about this but also about
new modes of meaning production and reception.
poetry offers that rare opportunity to simultaneously recontextualise
without ‘breaking’ as you say the meaning of words, hence its
inherent ‘strangeness’. Το repeat a claim made many times
before, poetry is of the body and when it works, it amplifies the
affective capacity of the body. Code poetry on the other hand can
work both in paper but also when it runs, though the effect can be
starkly different depending on the reader/viewer. This is where the
familiarity comes in and to be honest, this is what I am least
interested in. I am more interested in how code poetry makes me
rethink about the friction between different languages, potential
impasses, dispersals and breakdowns of communication and meaning
production; in other words, code poetry offers the chance to think
about how the machine as language and language as machine works and
how and when they might break down. Code poetry makes even more
apparent not only the constraints of language and their effect on the
actual body but also the generation of new sources of meaning and the
new affective challenges they pose.
more, we return to this: how do we read in this age of
hypermediation? What is it that we do with what we read? How do we
navigate the paradigm of too much communication, too much
information? Poetry and code poetry might offer some sort of solution
but there is a lot of work we have to do for (and on) ourselves if we
want to keep up. The question is not what the AI overlords will do
when they emerge gleaming from their perfect pods but how we are
going to keep up with the evolution of poetry and language in a
context when machine mediation will be seamless for a certain part of
the population. What are the new cultural and social inequalities
that will be created there and how must we tackle them?
have meandered enough and have again offered more questions than
[1] N. Katherine Hayles, “Traumas of Code”, Critical Inquiry vol. 33, no. 1 (Autumn 2006): 136-157. Available online.
[2] The poem was
written in the context of a literary festival when asked by a
newspaper that perennial question “What is inspiration?”
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