Friday 30 October 2009

David Devanny - kazimir malevich - white on white

[breathe in]

[breathe out]

[breathe in]

[breathe out]

[allow your breath to come to a natural pace]

[as you next breathe in - focus on the air moving past the tip of your nose]

[do not follow the air - just feel it pass by this point – and later feel the air pass back out]

[find yourself in a quiet meadow]

[it is almost silent - just a few distant twittering birds and the

occasional sound of feet walking lightly through the grasses]

-shhh                -th                -th                -th                -shhh

-the                   -hare            -is                -shhh           -is

-shhh                -is                -slipping      -a                 -way

-the                   -guns          -shhh            -th                -the

-guns                -shhh          -th                 -shhh           -th

-shhh                -her             -shot             -shall           -shhh

-ricochet          -off              -shhh            -th                -shot

-shall                -shhh          -ricochet      -off               -shhh

-stones             -shhh          -over             -there           -th

-th                     -th               -th                 -th                 -shhh

-th                     -th               -th                 -th                 -shhh

[be still]

[and breathe in]

[and breathe out]

[and breathe out]

[and breathe out]

[and breathe out]

[and breathe out]

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