Monday 11 May 2009

Three Poems by Andrew Taylor


I hear the planet crying such Teen Angst
withdraw from use

allow for repair a reconstruction of the senses

amidst the sunshine there will be showers

a blue box of magic tricks
modulator synthesis

forty days forty nights forty lines

this time of year available light

precursor to walking city rivers skimming pebbles

wish for a clearer way
like a leaf circling around the deer shelter

and the poppy towering above the tall grass

Night Shift

Colder at 3.00 a.m.
warehouse shelters Christmas
harbours desire for 6.00 a.m.

cycle through beginning streets of day

scope of clear December moon
the motorway echoes
deliveries light the yard

steam clouds the sulphur tinted view

A Poetry Now
for Tom Raworth

travel through Bostonian dawn
time shift through messenger hits

UK Duty Paid

Kent was in full autumn foxes
and pheasants crossing the lanes

trapped in mesh fence
CCTV windows a security hut

Le Monde a US Campus

new classicality a Vegan promoter
sound-tracking death

Autumn becomes Winter
the first frost

purchasing a Watch Cap
in anticipation

closed Easter, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day

of season accompanied by the swan's call
preparation for the long sleep

Andrew Taylor is a Liverpool poet and co-editor of erbacce and erbacce-press. His latest collection comes from Sunnyoutside Press. Poetry has recently appeared in Full of Crow, Side of Grits, Otoliths and Epic Rites. He has a PhD in Poetry and Poetics.  You can read his blog here.

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